What happens to your body when you just sit all day?

Research  has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns.They include If you live slothful lifestyle,you have a higher chance of being overweight,developing diabetes or heart disease, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. The less sitting or lying down you do during the day,the better your chances for living a healthy life. when you are physically active, on the other hand,your overall energy levels and endurance improve, and your bones maintain strength .

If you have sitting all  the day , Then some of these problems can happen to you:

1.The risk of diabetes: 

  • When a person is sitting for a long time, the cells of the body's muscles do not respond easily to the insulin produced.  As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin, which can lead to diabetes.


  • Moving your muscles helps your body digest the fats and sugars you eat. If you spend a lot of time sitting, digestion is not as efficient, so you retain those fats and sugars as fat in your body.

3.Eye problems:

  • staring at your  mobile phone For a long time in the dark, the mobile light presses its blue light directly on the eyes.  That can cause eye pain.  And in the long run, your valuable eyesight will dimdepression.

4.Anxiety and depression: 

  • We do not understand the links between sitting and mental health as well as the links between sitting and physical health but we know that people are more at risk of anxiety and depression as they sit.

 5.Foot Problems: 

  • If the legs are suspended for too long, the blood flow to the legs is disrupted.  Blood starts to clot in the veins, which can lead to swelling of the leg.


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